Sunday, May 6, 2007

Nazism & Radical Islam

Nazism & Radical Islam
The connections, the History

Over the past few weeks I have been sifting through books, documentaries, papers, and articles on this subject. I have found a fascinating discover previously unknown to me and to most of the public. Very learned men before me have been writing on it, but I am adding my own voice to it now. Some of you readers may not like what I have to say. If you are here to read about politically correct nonsense leave and return when you get some common sense.

I plan on showing you not just the connection between radical Islam and Nazism of yesteryears, but how that union has stayed solid to the Islamic Jihad and neo-Nazi movements we know today and the infamous leaders, that have plagued the world. These two movements pose an extreme threat to all free people and their respective countries – whether they want to admit it or not.

Similar Cultures

They have been very clear about it, there the same as Hitler’s goals. Kill all the Jews. Crush the Democracies. Destroy Western civilization.
-- John Loftus, former federal prosecutor

The most obvious similarity between Nazis and Islamofascists is their unfounded hatred for the Jewish people. This hatred has led them to desire the destruction of the Jews. They don't hide it, in fact they shout it out to everyone who would hear it. Hitler in his own words:

The result of war would not be a victory for Jewry, but the destruction of the Jewish race in Europe!

And now in modern times we see such infamous leaders such as Mahmoud Ahmadenijad:

Israel is an illegitimate regime, there is no legal basis for its existence.

Both demonize the Jews so they can place blame on them. Blaming them for the governments failures, for natural causes, etc. Trying to demonize them they say that Jews are evil, murdering creatures who want nothing, but destruction. I find this ironic since the Muslims commit more evils and cause more destruction than the Jews ever have. Nazis blamed the delapidated state of post-WWI Germany on the Jews and the Muslims do the same thing, but their state of things is due to the fact that their own religion has restricted them from modernizing.

In the beginnings of both of these movements, they both exploited disadvantages of others to gain power. The Nazis used a devastated Germany while the Muslims attacked two warring empires to take control of the regions.

Others include the aim for world conquest; they both demand submission by the individuals. The very Islam means "submission" in Arabic. Both movements believed that no other ideology could exist outside their own.

The propaganda wars that have been raged also show a connection. Both sides illustrated the Jews as octopi squeezing the life out of individuals or the world. Other "artists" have shown them to be spiders crawling around the world.

The propaganda of Islam is very similar to the propaganda of Nazism. It’s the same hate speech, paranoia, and us against them.
-- Nonie Darwish

And yet, the irony again is that the Islamofascist and Nazis were the ones who, and still do, strangle the freedoms of others when they don't agree with what they hear.

John Loftus, a former federal prosecutor, stated:

I think the worse form of child abuse is teaching your child to hate.

And it is. It is a grotesque thing to do to a child; to rob them of their childhood. But both Nazis and Islamofascists glory in this shame. They seem proud. Sheik Ibrahim Madhi stated during a sermon:

We must educate our children on the love of jihad for the sake of Allah. And the love of fighting for the sake of Allah.

An Al-Qassam Brigade Commander, Raed Said Hussein Saad stated:

We succeeded, with Allah’s grace, to raise an ideological generation that loves death like our enemies love life.

Sir Martin Gilber, a British historian, stated:

In the corruption of whole generation of German youth, through the propaganda of Nazism in schools. But the people thought, well this is a German problem, it’s a limited problem. We have our own problems, we have our unemployment, and I think the same is true today. They don’t connect the dots, they don’t connect the acts together, they don’t see that Islamic fundamentalism is a global network and a global problem.

The pictures speak volumes and it sickens me to see it. No kid should be put through this.

Both hated. Both despised by the civilized world. They have their similarities, but they have some differences. One difference is that I believe Islamofascist is more dangerous because of the religious piece.

Nazis could put aside their racial mythology if it suited their purpose, but Islam is less likely (especially in moder times) to do so. Walid Shoebat, a former PLO terrorist even agrees with this stating:

Secular dogma, like Nazism, is less dangerous than Islamofascism that we see today. It’s less dangerous because Islamofascism has a religious twist to it. It says God the Almighty ordered you to do this, not the Fuhrer. You know. It is way more dangerous. It is trying to grow itself in 55 Muslim states, so potentially you could have a success rate of several Nazi Germanys if these people get their way.

Another difference that is not really thought of a lot, but pointed out frequently. That is the moderate individuals of the respective sides. In modern times, we have neo-Nazis and white supremists, but we have a large number of those who disavow, or speak out against, them. This is comparitive to the small voice of the moderate Muslim.

Ignoring the Threat: Past & Present

People don’t want to feel that this is a part of a single threat because if you come to the conclusion, and I’m sure it’s the true conclusion, then you have to do something about it
-- Sir Martin Gilbert, historian

Several countries tried to hide their head in the sand when the Nazis were coming to power. Hitler and his men did not hide what they wanted and yet people tried to ignore it.

The US waited until they were directly attacked before reacting to the threat. Neville Chamberlain tried to use his great appeasement abilities to calm the German Chancellor, but the "Peace in Our Time" didn't last long. Soon Britain was at war with Germany after the Nazis broke the agreements.
It is absolutely correct to say, if you can’t learn from the events of Nazi Germany, you will not be able to grasp the true intent of the danger of the radical Muslim world today. You’re simply hiding
-- Alfons Heck, former Hitler Youth

Now in modern times we have the rising of a new threat; an Islamofascist threat. We have groups domestric and abroad who are openly declaring war on the West and Israel, and yet we have individuals saying that we shouldn't fear this.

The infiltration of radical Islam is so deep it’s shocking and everyone’s in denial about it. The minute you say, “Oh this is an extremist group.” You know all of a sudden it’s, “oh, you’re not being politically correct.”
-- John Loftus, former federal prosecutor

America has to wake up because we are strangling ourselves with our political correctness
-- Nonie Darwish

We have the information, we know the facts and yet some people still want to appease them as if that would satisfy them. I say this is folly because people are ignoring them at their own risk. Would you ignore a "HIGH VOLTAGE" sign grab the dangerous item and expect nothing?

Hitler & the Mufti

The beginnings of this Islamofascist/Nazi connection can go back when Hitler promised to liberate the Arabs from French and British rule. The Mufti of Jerusalem and founder of the PLO would eventually travel to Germany and meet with Hitler. It was a match made in Heaven, they seemed to amplify each others anti-Semitism.

It seems weird that a man who is pushing for a Master Race would embrace a Muslim as a friend, but like I stated earlier, the Nazis were willing to push aside this if it suited their purpose. Alfonz Heck asked this, but was told that since both had the same goal, killing the Jews, that it was okay.

As Bernard Lewis wrote in his book that, "The struggle for Palestine greatly facilitated the acceptance of the anti-Semitic interpretation of history, and led some to attribute all evil in the Middle East—and, indeed, in the world—to secret Jewish plots."

The Mufti was put in charge of recruiting Muslims into SS Divisions and also created plans for a concentration camp in Palestine that was a replicate of Auschwitz. Heinrich Himmler thought of this as a grand alliance between the two groups. He even stated once that he regretted that Germany had adopted Christianity, rather than the warlike Islam, as it's religion.

The Mufti wasn't the only supporter, or sympathizer of the Nazi movement. Others include members of the PLO, future leaders of Middle Eastern countries, and founders of the Ba'ath Party. The problems over Palestine only escalated the anti-Semitic frenzy.

After Germany was over-run it is no surprise that many war criminals and Nazi leaders were welcomed in Muslim countries. It is also pointed out that the Mufti continued this genocidal agenda in the Middle East in the post-war time and some say this is why there are no barely any moderate Muslims, since he killed most of them.

The agenda of today's most infamous Middle Eastern leaders can be traced back to Adolf Hitler and the Mufti. A mentor of Saddam Hussein was a friend of the Mufti who tried to help insight a coup in Iraq, though it eventually failed.

In 1949, a Nazi loyalist Otto Ernst Remer, known as the Godfather of the neo-Nazi movement, founded a neo-Nazi political organization, but Germany banned it. So in turn Remer settled in Egypt where he became friends with the Mufti.

Decades go by, the Cold War took priority in the view of the world. All the while the eggs of hatred and evil laid, waiting to hatch. During the Cold War some of these eggs would hatch with such events as the Embassy in Iran being over-run. In the '80s and '90s the eggs really started to hatch and the world started seeing an entire new evil; especially with the fall of Communism.

Some of this hatred has infiltrated America and in the '90s we saw the face of domestic terrorism arise in this country in the form of Timothy McVeigh. Oklahoma is a conservative area, but it is also plagued with neo-Nazi/paramilitary movements. Some of these movements held support rallies for Saddam Hussein. In one Oklahoma town there was a compound that trained these movements. It was here where Timothy McVeigh.

Andreas Carl Strassmeir helped train at this compound and was believed to be an accomplice in the Federal Building bombing. Strassmeir was documented by the FBI at trying to purchase jumbo jets. With 9/11, this makes you wonder how far back this kind of attack was being planned. It is also curious to note that back with Hitler that Albert Speer noted that:

Adolf Hitler, in a kind of delirium, "pictured for himself and for us the destruction of New York in a hurricane of fire." The Nazi leader described skyscrapers being turned into "gigantic burning torches, collapsing upon one another, the glow of the exploding city illuminating the dark sky."

But how would these movements do all these? Where is the funding? I found out that a Swiss banker named Francois Genoud has been funding these neo-Nazis for years. This man started and gained popularity after working with the Mufti of Jerusalem. The funds were allegedly from confiscated money taken from Jews and deposited by Nazis. Genoud has also associated himself with the terrorists who killed the athletes at the Munich Olympics in '72.

Another financier of neo-Nazis is Ahmed Huber, formerly known as Albert Huber, who is also Swiss. In 2001, his home was raided when US authorities found out that he was a chief financer of Al Qaida.

Decades after the Holocaust and with many of the survivors dying off, these financiers, neo-Nazis, and Islamofascists have now turned to Holocaust denial; David Duke speaking in Iran as an example. And given the levels of post-9/11 security, international Holocaust denial conferences now have greater importance for planning and coordination among the neo-Nazi/Islamic terrorist networks. Even in the modern times, these two vile movements still keep their bonds with each other.

Other examples of this modern bond can shown with the despicable behavior at the University of Pennsylvania in 2003. The Muslim Student Assocation celebrated it's Islam Awareness Week. This is all fine and good, but they invited William Baker to be their keynote speaker. Baker a racist and once headed the anti-Semitic Populist Party.

I pray that good men will still fight to keep these enemies at bay. This road is stained with the blood of those who have fought against it and kept it from taking over, but I fear that the resolve of those in charge isn't as strong as we need it. We must keep our heads up and keeping battling on. Our fight to keep our values and morals is stronger than their fight to destroy all things good. We will keep our faith while they lust for new gods and mutated versions of what they see as the truth. With this we will win.

Many of my ideas and thoughts were inspired by the documentary Obsession and articles published on the Internet. I, in no way, claim these ideas to be solely my own.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
