Sunday, July 15, 2007

Immigration Impact: Idaho

Immigration Impact:

State Population (2004 CB estimate):1,393,262
Population Increase 1990-2000: 287,204
Foreign-Born Population: 80,600
Percent Foreign-Born: 5.9%
Illegal Resident Population: 19,0001
2025 Population Projection: 1,739,000

All numbers are from the U.S. Census Bureau unless otherwise noted. Additional Census Bureau, INS, and other immigration-related data are available for Idaho.


Estimated Annual Fiscal Costs to Idaho Taxpayersfor Emergency Medical Care, Education and Incarceration Resulting from Illegal or "Guest" Workers andProjected Costs Based on an Amnesty in millions
Current 2010 2020
$84 $148 $264

Profile in Numbers

Population Growth

Idaho’s population increased by 29 percent, or 287,000 people, between 1990 and 2000, bringing its population to 1.3 million people. Idaho is the fifth fastest growing state in the country.

Between 1990 and 2000, the city of Boise was the seventh fastest growing city in the nation, increasing by 46 percent. Boise County increased by 90 percent.

Foreign Born Population

Idaho’s immigrant population more than doubled during the 1990s, increasing by 122 percent. Idaho gained 35,000 immigrants during the decade, bringing the total number of foreign-born residents in the state to 64,000.

The increase in the foreign-born population during the 1990s accounted for 12 percent of the state’s total population increase during the decade.

About 166,000 people in Idaho are immigrants or the children of immigrants, 13 percent of the state’s population.

Demonstrating the impact of recent policies of mass immigration, 47 percent of Idaho’s immigrant population has arrived in the state since 1990.

Trends for the Future
The Census Bureau projects that Idaho’s population will grow by 29 percent between 2000 and 2025, to 1.7 million.
NOTE: Naturalization: Fewer immigrants in Idaho are naturalized U.S. citizens.
In 2000, only 33 percent of Idaho’s foreign-born residents were naturalized
U.S. citizens, versus 41 percent in 1990.
Impact on Environment and Quality of Life
Water: Population growth is endangering Idaho’s water supply. United Water Idaho, the Boise area’s major water supplier, expects demand to almost triple by 2050. Unless new water supplies are tapped, United Water predicts that it will have trouble providing water to Southeast Boise within two years. 2

Traffic: As population growth put more traffic on the roads, the average commute for Idaho residents increased 16 percent during the 1990s, from 17 minutes in 1990 to 20 minutes in 2000.3,4

Disappearing open space: Each year, Idaho loses 18,400 acres of open space and farmland due to development.5 Urban development is expected to double along with suburban development, which will nearly quadruple by 2050, resulting in a total loss of 4.5 million acres to urban and suburban development.6

Crowded housing: 8,000 Idaho households are defined as severely crowded by housing authorities, a 83 percent increase since 1990.7,8 Studies show that a rise in crowded housing often correlates with an increase in the number of foreign-born.9,10

Affordable housing: As population increases, the affordable housing supply often drops. Idaho workers who earn minimum wage must work 77 hours per week in order to afford a two-bedroom unit at the area’s fair market rent. Idaho’s housing wage (the amount a full-time worker must earn per hour to afford a two-bedroom apartment at fair market rent) is $9.87, but its minimum wage is $5.15.11

Finding affordable housing is even more difficult for the working poor since little low-income housing is being built, despite rising demand. What little housing is built is filled almost immediately after opening. Forty-one percent of Idaho renters pay more than 30 percent of their income for housing (30 percent is the maximum recommended by housing experts).12
Sprawl: The city of Rexburg issued over $58 million in building permits in 2002, more than ten times the value of permits issued in an average year.13 Such unprecedented growth is not without its costs. After such developments are completed, new streets will be needed, along with other financial responsibilities, all of which must be paid by the city. Other cities face similar challenges as a result of rapid development challenges created by sprawl. Since 1998, Pocatello has spent close to $9 million (with another $2 million to be spent by 2004) in rehabilitating and expanding its sewer system in order to meet the demands of its growing population.14
Idaho's total energy use has increased by 57 percent since 1980 and 36 percent since 1990, making it the leading northwest state for energy consumption. This increase, according to Northwest Environment Watch, is directly attributable to rapid population growth in the state.24

Air pollution: As population increases, pollution usually rises along with it. Many in Idaho are worried about the negative effects population growth will have on public health, since more people mean more cars, which increasing gas consumption and air pollution.15 Canyon County saw the worst levels of small particulate pollution in a decade during 2002, with up to a third of its pollution attributable to vehicle emissions.16

Poverty: Twenty-two percent of immigrants in Idaho have incomes below the poverty level. Among non-citizens, the rate climbs to 27 percent.17 Education: Between 1990 and 2000, Idaho’s elementary and high school enrollment increased 20 percent. Between 2002 and 2012, public school enrollment is expected to increase another 13 percent, to 287,000.18
School overcrowding is becoming a costly issue for Idaho, one that many communities cannot afford to bear. In July 2002, Idaho Falls School District 91 voted to spend $1.3 million to alleviate junior high schools crowding.19 The cost of the renovation is in part responsible for District 91’s current budget crisis, which has its leaders looking to cut expenses and raise supplemental levy in order to survive.20 With many Idaho communities facing similar financial hardships, schools may have difficulty expanding to meet growing enrollments in the near future.21

Labor Issues: The wave of immigrants flooding into Idaho leads to population increasing faster than job creation, leading to rising unemployment. As of December 2002, Kootenai County, Idaho’s third fastest growing county, faced an eight percent unemployment rate (versus a national average of six percent); the Idaho Department of Labor says that “population growth exceeding job growth” is a primary reason.22

Illegal Residents

19,000 illegal aliens resided in Idaho as of 2000, according to INS figures. This is 19 percent higher than the previous INS estimate in 1996 and 72 percent higher than the estimate for 1990. 23

Idaho authorities requested compensation of $3.3 million from the federal government in FY’99 for the incarceration of illegal aliens in state and local jails and prisons (under the federal State Criminal Alien Assistance Program, or SCAAP), but it received only $1.3 million in compensation, leaving $2 million in uncompensated costs to be borne by Idaho taxpayers.

  1. “Estimates of the Unauthorized Immigrant Population Residing in the United States: 1990-2000,” Office of Policy Planning, U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service, January 2003.
  2. Craig Quintana, “Growth in Idaho Takes Big Swig of Water,” Idaho Statesman, January 15, 2002.
  3. “Table DP-1-4, Profile of General Demographic Characteristics: 2000,” Census 2000, U.S. Census Bureau.
  4. “Table DP-1-4, Profile of General Demographic Characteristics: 1990,” 1990 Census, U.S. Census Bureau.
  5. “State Rankings by Acreage and Rate of Non-Federal Land Developed,” Natural Resources Conservation Service, United States Department of Agriculture.
  6. Editorial Board, “Planning for Growth Must be a Top Priority,” Idaho Press-Tribune, June 30, 2001.
  7. “Table DP-1-4, Profile of General Demographic Characteristics: 2000,” Census 2000, U.S. Census Bureau.

  8. “Table DP-1-4, Profile of General Demographic Characteristics: 1990,” 1990 Census, U.S. Census Bureau.

  9. Haya El Nasser, “U.S. Neighborhoods Grow More Crowded,” USA Today,July 7, 2002.
  10. Randy Capps, “Hardship Among Children of Immigrants: Findings from the 1999 National Survey of America’s Families,” Urban Institute, 2001.

  11. “Rental Housing for America’s Poor Families: Farther Out of Reach than Ever,” National Low Income Housing Coalition, 2002.

  12. Matthew Evans, “The Search for Affordable Housing,” Idaho Falls Post Register, March 21, 2002.

  13. Brian Davidson, “Rexburg Construction Sets New High- Number of Building Permits Up Tenfold,” Idaho Falls Post Register, January 9, 2003.

  14. John O’Connell, “City Sewer in Midst of Three-Part Overhaul,” Idaho State Journal, January 18, 2002.

  15. Sam Bass, Growth Threatens Air Quality,” Idaho Press-Tribune, June 12, 2002.

  16. Nathaniel Hoffman, “Here is a Sign of a Problem, Growth,” Idaho Press-Tribune, December 5, 2002.

  17. “Idaho State Factsheet,” Migration Information Source, Migration Policy Institute.

  18. “Table 4—Enrollment in Grades K-12 in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools, by Region and State, With Projections: Fall 1993 to Fall 2012,” National Center for Education Statistics, Common Core Data, U.S. Department of Education.

  19. Matthew Evans, “Taylorview Expanding to Accommodate Population,” Idaho Falls Post Register, July 30, 2002.

  20. Matthew Evans, “District 91 Struggles to Find the Money to Pay the Bills,” Lewistown Morning Tribune, February 19,2003.

  21. Kathy Hedberg, “Idaho’s School Saga Resumes,” Lewiston Morning Tribune, November 10, 2002.

  22. Kathryn Tacke, “Kootenai County Profile,” Idaho Department of Labor, January 2003.

  23. “Estimates of the Unauthorized Immigrant Population Residing in the United States: 1990-2000,” Office of Policy Planning, U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service, January 2003.
  24. “How Idaho Measures Up,” Measuring What Matters, The New Indicators Project, Northwest Environment Watch.
The following information I got at FAIR. If you are doing research for your state you can go here: Immigration in Your Background.

Where have I been?

Well everyone, sorry about my absence. In June my training got really advanced and I was waiting to graduate so my mind was elsewhere.

Once I got home I spent a few weeks just hanging out with friends and getting back to my civilian life.

Now I'm just chillin waiting for school to start.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorial Day 2007

Memorial Day 2007
On this day may God be with all soldiers, or anyone who has served to protect America. May He be with all those families who have lost someone who has served. God bless the American soldier. God bless his sacrifice. May God have mercy on his enemy because he will not.
I would like to thank Cox & Forkum for their great cartoons and their dedication to our troops. I did some research today and it saddens me to see so few sites giving thanks to those who give them the right to create their sites and blogs. It angered me today to see that the US was conducting talks with Iran on Memorial Day. This is a slap in the face to all those who have died by the hands of these monsters. The Bush Administration should be ashamed.

Well, I'm off to the local Veteran's Memorial.

Memorial Day Links: Memorial Day History

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Armed Forces Day

Thank a soldier today

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The Top 10 Myths about the Virginia Tech Massacre

The Top 10 Myths about the Virginia Tech Massacre
By Brant McLaughlin

We all know that on April 16th, 2007, a new Day That Shall Live in Infamy was tragically born when a 23-year-old South Korean man who had lived in the US since he was eight and was attending a good American university in the state of Virginia shot to death 32 students and faculty before committing suicide. 33 senseless deaths by guns--the worst non-gang related gun incident in modern American history, and a chilling encore to the Columbine High School massacre of 1999 which claimed 13 lives.

Needless to say there have been some very strong reactions among the American citizenry, not to mention the South Koreans who feel a collective sense of guilt (needlessly). The expected calls for stricter regulations and the finger-pointing emerged immediately while relatives, friends, and fellow students grieved for their lost ones.

But who is offering real solutions? Are most people thinking rationally, considering the facts, at this stage? There are 10 myths emerging regarding the Virginia Tech Massacre that need to be closely analyzed, with facts considered, before we end up compounding the tragedy.

Myth #1. Tighter gun control laws would have prevented that massacre.

It happens all the time: someone does something wrong with something and people want the something taken away...from everybody. Does it work for the betterment of society? No.
Consider what we found at Rapid Intelligence's Factbites. "Germany established gun control in 1938 and from 1939 to 1945, 13 million Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, the mentally ill, and others, who were unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated....That places total victims who lost their lives because of gun control at approximately 56 million in the last century." "Gun-control laws have noticeably reduced gun ownership in some states, with the result that for each 1% reduction in gun ownership there was a 3% increase in violent crime...with no academic evidence that gun regulations prevent crime, and plenty of indications that they actually encourage it, we nonetheless are now debating which new gun control laws to pass."

Myth #2. Virginia's gun laws are too loose.

Is that so? We found something very interesting when we searched at Factbites. "The fatuity of gun-control laws is nowhere better illustrated than in Virginia, where high-school students in rural areas have a long tradition of going hunting in the morning." Furthermore, according to the FBI, Virginia's background check regulations for buying guns are the most rigorous and the best of any of the 50 states.

Myth #3. This is exactly the kind of thing that happens in "gun-toter" states like Virginia.

With all those teenagers in Virginia bearing arms, that's surely the case, right? Not exactly. Rapid Intelligence's StateMaster statistics service tells us that Virginia only ranks 25th among states with regards to the number of gun-related deaths per 100,000 people in the state.

Myth #4. The US Constitution's Second Amendment encourages gun crimes to flourish in America.

At first, there seems to be something to this. Rapid Intelligence's NationMaster statistics service reveals that the United States ranks fourth among all nations for the most murders committed with guns annually. The US also ranks eighth among all nations in the world for most murders per capita annually with guns.

But in this context, the stats are deceiving--because there is additional information.
According to 'The Armed Citizen', "Studies indicate that firearms are used more than two million times a year for personal protection, and that the presence of a firearm, without a shot being fired, prevents crime in many instances. Shooting usually can be justified only where crime constitutes an immediate, imminent threat to life, limb, or, in some cases, property." Recent instances of this noble use of guns--made available to citizens by the Second Amendment to the US Constitution--include Topeka, Kansas gas station owner Dean Yee using his gun to protect himself against two armed robbers who demanded money from him at gunpoint. Yee shot one robber and that caused the other one to flee. Had Yee not had his concealed weapon permit and his gun, he would very likely have been shot by the robbers--perhaps to death. These instances also include Las Vegas homeowner Raymond Hill, who was awakened in the night by his 12-year-old daughter and told by her that two armed men were breaking into their house. Hill loaded his weapon, called the police, then went downstairs and killed one of the burglars, who was coming into Hill's house through a window from which he had removed the screen. The other burglar fled on a bicycle, but police nabbed him.

It is most logical to conclude that what the statistics about US gun murders really reveals is that if more Americans took advantage of their Second Amendment rights, violent crime rates would go down--not up.

Myth #5. The US needs to follow the lead of other Western nations like the UK and Australia and make just about every gun illegal to private citizens.

That would at least mostly rid the nation of all the Seung-Hui Cho threats, wouldn't it? This is what a Factbites search came up with: "Ironically, both [Trent] Lott and Handgun Control acknowledge that the reams of gun control laws on the books in Washington and in all 50 states have been ineffective in eradicating mass shootings or preventing children from bringing weapons to school...Since Australia banned private ownership of most guns in 1996, crime has risen dramatically on that continent, prompting critics of U.S. gun control efforts to issue new warnings of what life in America could be like if Congress ever bans firearms."

There is also something else to consider. The United States is not even placed among the top 48 nations of the world in terms of police per capita. It is far more logical to conclude that we need more police officers to enforce the laws that are already on the books, not more laws. More police with guns, in fact.

Myth #6. "Mass shootings have come to define our nation", obviously because of the "easy access to increasingly lethal firearms that make mass killings possible."

Josh Sugarmann's irresponsible quote, which he stated as direct reflection on the Virginia Tech massacre, is not only void of statistical evidence, it does not fit the facts as they have been observed. While it's true that mass shootings began happening more frequently than previously in the US in the 1960s, if such things have "come to define our nation", then so have car accidents and plane crashes, and that would just have to be because far too many people are privileged to be able to drive or fly. Sugarmann's quote is toxically emotional.

Turning to a search at Rapid Intelligence's Factbites reveals the fact is that "Mass shootings essentially disappear in States that pass laws allowing qualified citizens to carry concealed handguns...So, to conclude, the facts are clear--more firearms in the hands of honest, responsible American citizens means the thugs on the streets commit less violent crimes, and the thugs in the government are less likely to assault the citizenry with storm trooper police state tactics of murder and genocide... it is lamentable that 30,000 Americans die yearly from firearms."

Myth #7. This massacre proves that Americans have too many liberties and need to have their rights curtailed.

Cho was South Korean, not American, although he clearly had assimilated into American culture. Beyond that fact, let's look at a couple of statistics at NationMaster.

Do you enjoy having the freedom to choose your own lifestyle (provided that you work for what you want)? Most people do. Let's note that South Korea, the nation from which Cho came originally, is not among the leading nations for offering freedom of lifestyle choice; the US ranks second in the world, just barely behind Finland. In other words, the person who came from the more suppressive culture was the one who abused the freedom of decision making that US citizens enjoy. Another statistic at NationMaster shows forth that the worst mass shooting by an individual in American history was carried out by someone who had a background of significant cultural and economic suppression of freedom compared to what Americans enjoy. And keep in mind, he raged against "rich kids”—those with the privileges that he clearly coveted (and would have been able to enjoy for the rest of his life had he peacefully graduated from the American university he attended). Cho murdered because, in his darkened mind at least, he was prevented from having freedom--not because he had too much of it. While Cho was enjoying a life of upper middle class privilege, he clearly had the suppression and poverty of his boyhood years imprinted on his psyche--he considered himself a "have not" among "haves".

Myth #8. Cho only did what he did because he was bullied by the privileged American rich kids who surrounded him; it was not really his fault, but the fault of the Americans who bring these things on themselves.

Virginia Tech is a good school, but it is not the Ivy League school that so many Korean parents covet for their children; and the students at Virginia Tech do not come from particularly affluent families. Cho's parents were the owners of a $400,000 house that Cho grew up in later years; he would have to have been stretching his imagination a long way to believe that he was surrounded by super-wealthy white kids who were somehow unfairly advantaged or keeping him down. Cho had acquaintances among the white American students who went out of their way to try to include him in fun, college-student-type activities. Cho in fact accompanied them sometimes when they went out, and he would drink beer with them and engage in a game of tossing ping-pong balls into glasses of beer; he was apparently quite adept at it, too. But he played the games without expression.

Even before he went to the university, Cho was known to be sullen and quiet among his family. One thing he enjoyed a lot was playing video games--something he had in common with Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris, the pair of killers at the Columbine high school massacre-shooting in 1999 whom Cho cited in his twisted manifesto as one of his inspirations. Cho had no history of being picked on except when he set himself up to be looked at strangely--such as by writing the disgusting plays he wrote for English class, or deliberately reading aloud English literature passes in a dark, guttural accent. Or writing down his name as "?". Cho was mentally diseased long before he went to Virginia Tech. His outgoing older sister came out just fine--at an Ivy League school called Princeton, where she would have been surrounded by the sons and daughters of millionaires. If Cho had been so abused and scarred by America, then how come she hadn't?

Myth #9. The gun shops that sold Cho his guns should have known better and should be held legally accountable and perhaps forced to shut down.

The FBI and the Virginia State Police concur that the local gun shop, Roanoke Firearms, acted in full compliance with the state and the federal law. A background check was performed and Seung-Hui Cho was found clean. Although Cho did have mental problems, he was not listed as a possible danger because he had never been involuntarily committed to a mental hospital. When he was taken to a mental ward once, he was only held overnight, did not resist, and was deemed of sound (even if bleak) mind by a professional psychiatrist. This was in spite of the fact that a special justice had, in 2005, found Cho mentally ill.

The other gun shop, which sold Cho one of his weapons via the Internet, was in Green Bay, Wisconsin, and it, too, filled out the right paperwork and did the background check that it was supposed to do.

While it is perfectly reasonable to consider revising the law so that it is more comprehensive (meaning Cho's visit to the mental ward would have shown up in his record as would his having been found "mentally ill"), it is completely absurd to point a blaming finger at the gun shops. The businesses did exactly what the law says they are to do. Suing them or shutting them down will accomplish nothing except to harm the business owners and their employees.

Myth #10. Poor Seung-Hui Cho was deeply troubled. Somebody should have helped him when he was crying out for help, and then this would never have happened. We brought it on ourselves with our indifferent society.

There is nothing evidential to back up the notion that Cho was deeply troubled by anything other than his own self-centeredness. Cho was not a victim of anything or anyone. In the words of one of his former poetry and creative writing professors, Cho "was just mean". She goes on to say, "We're talking about [his being a victim] and crap like that, but troubled youngsters get drunk and jump off buildings; troubled youngsters drink and drive...I've taught crazy people...It was the meanness that bothered me...[In his writings] the threats seemed to be underneath the surface."
If anything, the United States needs to wake up to the realization that there are mean young people out there, full of self-centered anger for no good reason, and they neither need nor want "help". They need to be straightened out.

The US ranks third in the world in murders committed by young people (ages 15-24). That puts the U.S. in the company of two very violence-and-corruption-prone South American nations and a Russia still struggling its way from the shards of Communism to the building of a free, capitalist-based society. In the light of a lot of Americans' reactions to the Virginia Tech Massacre, we really need to take a shot of cold reality and wake ourselves up, instead of making ourselves sick with guilt.

Cho was just mean, for whatever twisted reason. Had more people accepted that and acted accordingly, he probably never could have done what he did.


Sunday, May 13, 2007

The ACLU and the War of Freedom

The ACLU and the War on Freedom

I firmly believe that the ACLU is the biggest threat against all that the USA should be. It says it stands to protect the freedoms of the citizens, but all you ever see is it attacking the people. It does protect people from prosecution though such as Nation of Islam, Ku Klux Klan, draft dodgers, commies, jihadists, and the sick perverts of NAMBLA.

It pushes the majority of America around while “protecting” the minority. They are nothing, but a bunch of thugs. They protect what rights they think will help further their own sick ideals. I wrote an article long ago on the original Conservative Life, but here is a revision.

Corrupt Roots

The ACLU was founded in 1920 and has its headquarters currently in New York City. It was founded by Communists to assist each other in dodging the legal bullet among other things. The General Secretary of the Communist Party at the time stated that ACLU functioned as a transmission belt for the party.

A report by the Special House Committee to Investigate Communist Activities stated:

The American Civil Liberties Union is closely affiliated with the communist movement in the United States, and fully 90 percent of its efforts are on behalf of communists who have come into conflict with the law. It claims to stand for free speech, free press and free assembly, but it is quite apparent that the main function of the ACLU is an attempt to protect the communists.

Many people are surprised to hear that the founders of the ACLU have Communist ties, but then you read about Roger Baldwin, a founder, saying things like:

My chief aversion is the system of greed, private profit, privilege and violence which makes up the control of the world today, and which has brought it to the tragic crisis of unprecedented hunger and unemployment. Therefore, I am for Socialism, disarmament and ultimately, for the abolishing of the State itself. I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class and sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal.

War on Christianity

It is funny to think that a bunch of commies would support the American constitution since under communism organized religion is abolished. Most Liberals would mock you for even stating that the ACLU and the Left in general are waging a war on the Christian faith, but lets take a look here.

In September of 1986, the ACLU sued a school teacher who kept a Bible on his desk and won. He was forced to remove it even though he never read it to his students and only read it during silent reading time.

In May of 2000, they stated they didn’t think that Arizona’s Governor’s, Jane Hull, proclamation celebrating the birth of Buddha violated the Consititution, but in 1998 when the same governor issued a proclamation declaring a Bible Week the ACLU wigged out claiming this was a serious violation of the Constitution.

In recent years the ACLU has attacked seals that have crosses on it such as in LA County, towns such as Groom, TX for having a cross in public view, or wanting to remove the Mt. Soledad War Veterans Memorial cross.

They opposed any Christian value being taught in school, but haven’t argued about all this pro-Muslim crap being taught in the school system.

Disarming America

The Second Amendment states that “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

The ACLU for some strange reason believes that the American citizen is not constitutionally protected to own any fire arms. They believe that the Constitution only guarantees police and the military with the right to keep weapons. This belief comes from their support of US v Miller in 1939. The ACLU uses this tactic of using judicial branch to override the will of the people.

Taking away the common defense from the citizens is a common theme with Communism and other forms of oppressive governments.

Endangering our Children

The very future of our nation is being sought after by this filthy organization. They threatened to sue a school if they did not put pro-homosexual propaganda in their libraries. Regardless of what the parents want the ACLU believes that you the parents shouldn’t have control over what your kids are taught.

The vision of the Boy Scouts of America states that “the Boy Scouts of America is the nation's foremost youth program of character development and values-based leadership training.” This club instills values and moral into our future leaders and yet the ACLU opposes them because the BSA opposes homosexuality. The ACLU threatens any state organization who would support them in any form.

While trying to stop the BSA in their attempt to set values the ACLU then turns around support disgusting creatures in NAMBLA. They even support the distribution of child porn saying it’s a constitutional right.

The ACLU opposes most policies that advocate national security, they oppose closing the borders, and they defend terrorists. They defy logic and common sense in everything they do. They want to destroy all that is right in America. Their only true goal is to force their Communist agenda on Americans. It should be every true American’s duty to oppose these criminals every chance we get.

Happy Mother's Day

I wish the best to all the Mother's out there today.

Since I am down in Arizona doing military training, I called my Mother and wished her the best.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Nazism & Radical Islam

Nazism & Radical Islam
The connections, the History

Over the past few weeks I have been sifting through books, documentaries, papers, and articles on this subject. I have found a fascinating discover previously unknown to me and to most of the public. Very learned men before me have been writing on it, but I am adding my own voice to it now. Some of you readers may not like what I have to say. If you are here to read about politically correct nonsense leave and return when you get some common sense.

I plan on showing you not just the connection between radical Islam and Nazism of yesteryears, but how that union has stayed solid to the Islamic Jihad and neo-Nazi movements we know today and the infamous leaders, that have plagued the world. These two movements pose an extreme threat to all free people and their respective countries – whether they want to admit it or not.

Similar Cultures

They have been very clear about it, there the same as Hitler’s goals. Kill all the Jews. Crush the Democracies. Destroy Western civilization.
-- John Loftus, former federal prosecutor

The most obvious similarity between Nazis and Islamofascists is their unfounded hatred for the Jewish people. This hatred has led them to desire the destruction of the Jews. They don't hide it, in fact they shout it out to everyone who would hear it. Hitler in his own words:

The result of war would not be a victory for Jewry, but the destruction of the Jewish race in Europe!

And now in modern times we see such infamous leaders such as Mahmoud Ahmadenijad:

Israel is an illegitimate regime, there is no legal basis for its existence.

Both demonize the Jews so they can place blame on them. Blaming them for the governments failures, for natural causes, etc. Trying to demonize them they say that Jews are evil, murdering creatures who want nothing, but destruction. I find this ironic since the Muslims commit more evils and cause more destruction than the Jews ever have. Nazis blamed the delapidated state of post-WWI Germany on the Jews and the Muslims do the same thing, but their state of things is due to the fact that their own religion has restricted them from modernizing.

In the beginnings of both of these movements, they both exploited disadvantages of others to gain power. The Nazis used a devastated Germany while the Muslims attacked two warring empires to take control of the regions.

Others include the aim for world conquest; they both demand submission by the individuals. The very Islam means "submission" in Arabic. Both movements believed that no other ideology could exist outside their own.

The propaganda wars that have been raged also show a connection. Both sides illustrated the Jews as octopi squeezing the life out of individuals or the world. Other "artists" have shown them to be spiders crawling around the world.

The propaganda of Islam is very similar to the propaganda of Nazism. It’s the same hate speech, paranoia, and us against them.
-- Nonie Darwish

And yet, the irony again is that the Islamofascist and Nazis were the ones who, and still do, strangle the freedoms of others when they don't agree with what they hear.

John Loftus, a former federal prosecutor, stated:

I think the worse form of child abuse is teaching your child to hate.

And it is. It is a grotesque thing to do to a child; to rob them of their childhood. But both Nazis and Islamofascists glory in this shame. They seem proud. Sheik Ibrahim Madhi stated during a sermon:

We must educate our children on the love of jihad for the sake of Allah. And the love of fighting for the sake of Allah.

An Al-Qassam Brigade Commander, Raed Said Hussein Saad stated:

We succeeded, with Allah’s grace, to raise an ideological generation that loves death like our enemies love life.

Sir Martin Gilber, a British historian, stated:

In the corruption of whole generation of German youth, through the propaganda of Nazism in schools. But the people thought, well this is a German problem, it’s a limited problem. We have our own problems, we have our unemployment, and I think the same is true today. They don’t connect the dots, they don’t connect the acts together, they don’t see that Islamic fundamentalism is a global network and a global problem.

The pictures speak volumes and it sickens me to see it. No kid should be put through this.

Both hated. Both despised by the civilized world. They have their similarities, but they have some differences. One difference is that I believe Islamofascist is more dangerous because of the religious piece.

Nazis could put aside their racial mythology if it suited their purpose, but Islam is less likely (especially in moder times) to do so. Walid Shoebat, a former PLO terrorist even agrees with this stating:

Secular dogma, like Nazism, is less dangerous than Islamofascism that we see today. It’s less dangerous because Islamofascism has a religious twist to it. It says God the Almighty ordered you to do this, not the Fuhrer. You know. It is way more dangerous. It is trying to grow itself in 55 Muslim states, so potentially you could have a success rate of several Nazi Germanys if these people get their way.

Another difference that is not really thought of a lot, but pointed out frequently. That is the moderate individuals of the respective sides. In modern times, we have neo-Nazis and white supremists, but we have a large number of those who disavow, or speak out against, them. This is comparitive to the small voice of the moderate Muslim.

Ignoring the Threat: Past & Present

People don’t want to feel that this is a part of a single threat because if you come to the conclusion, and I’m sure it’s the true conclusion, then you have to do something about it
-- Sir Martin Gilbert, historian

Several countries tried to hide their head in the sand when the Nazis were coming to power. Hitler and his men did not hide what they wanted and yet people tried to ignore it.

The US waited until they were directly attacked before reacting to the threat. Neville Chamberlain tried to use his great appeasement abilities to calm the German Chancellor, but the "Peace in Our Time" didn't last long. Soon Britain was at war with Germany after the Nazis broke the agreements.
It is absolutely correct to say, if you can’t learn from the events of Nazi Germany, you will not be able to grasp the true intent of the danger of the radical Muslim world today. You’re simply hiding
-- Alfons Heck, former Hitler Youth

Now in modern times we have the rising of a new threat; an Islamofascist threat. We have groups domestric and abroad who are openly declaring war on the West and Israel, and yet we have individuals saying that we shouldn't fear this.

The infiltration of radical Islam is so deep it’s shocking and everyone’s in denial about it. The minute you say, “Oh this is an extremist group.” You know all of a sudden it’s, “oh, you’re not being politically correct.”
-- John Loftus, former federal prosecutor

America has to wake up because we are strangling ourselves with our political correctness
-- Nonie Darwish

We have the information, we know the facts and yet some people still want to appease them as if that would satisfy them. I say this is folly because people are ignoring them at their own risk. Would you ignore a "HIGH VOLTAGE" sign grab the dangerous item and expect nothing?

Hitler & the Mufti

The beginnings of this Islamofascist/Nazi connection can go back when Hitler promised to liberate the Arabs from French and British rule. The Mufti of Jerusalem and founder of the PLO would eventually travel to Germany and meet with Hitler. It was a match made in Heaven, they seemed to amplify each others anti-Semitism.

It seems weird that a man who is pushing for a Master Race would embrace a Muslim as a friend, but like I stated earlier, the Nazis were willing to push aside this if it suited their purpose. Alfonz Heck asked this, but was told that since both had the same goal, killing the Jews, that it was okay.

As Bernard Lewis wrote in his book that, "The struggle for Palestine greatly facilitated the acceptance of the anti-Semitic interpretation of history, and led some to attribute all evil in the Middle East—and, indeed, in the world—to secret Jewish plots."

The Mufti was put in charge of recruiting Muslims into SS Divisions and also created plans for a concentration camp in Palestine that was a replicate of Auschwitz. Heinrich Himmler thought of this as a grand alliance between the two groups. He even stated once that he regretted that Germany had adopted Christianity, rather than the warlike Islam, as it's religion.

The Mufti wasn't the only supporter, or sympathizer of the Nazi movement. Others include members of the PLO, future leaders of Middle Eastern countries, and founders of the Ba'ath Party. The problems over Palestine only escalated the anti-Semitic frenzy.

After Germany was over-run it is no surprise that many war criminals and Nazi leaders were welcomed in Muslim countries. It is also pointed out that the Mufti continued this genocidal agenda in the Middle East in the post-war time and some say this is why there are no barely any moderate Muslims, since he killed most of them.

The agenda of today's most infamous Middle Eastern leaders can be traced back to Adolf Hitler and the Mufti. A mentor of Saddam Hussein was a friend of the Mufti who tried to help insight a coup in Iraq, though it eventually failed.

In 1949, a Nazi loyalist Otto Ernst Remer, known as the Godfather of the neo-Nazi movement, founded a neo-Nazi political organization, but Germany banned it. So in turn Remer settled in Egypt where he became friends with the Mufti.

Decades go by, the Cold War took priority in the view of the world. All the while the eggs of hatred and evil laid, waiting to hatch. During the Cold War some of these eggs would hatch with such events as the Embassy in Iran being over-run. In the '80s and '90s the eggs really started to hatch and the world started seeing an entire new evil; especially with the fall of Communism.

Some of this hatred has infiltrated America and in the '90s we saw the face of domestic terrorism arise in this country in the form of Timothy McVeigh. Oklahoma is a conservative area, but it is also plagued with neo-Nazi/paramilitary movements. Some of these movements held support rallies for Saddam Hussein. In one Oklahoma town there was a compound that trained these movements. It was here where Timothy McVeigh.

Andreas Carl Strassmeir helped train at this compound and was believed to be an accomplice in the Federal Building bombing. Strassmeir was documented by the FBI at trying to purchase jumbo jets. With 9/11, this makes you wonder how far back this kind of attack was being planned. It is also curious to note that back with Hitler that Albert Speer noted that:

Adolf Hitler, in a kind of delirium, "pictured for himself and for us the destruction of New York in a hurricane of fire." The Nazi leader described skyscrapers being turned into "gigantic burning torches, collapsing upon one another, the glow of the exploding city illuminating the dark sky."

But how would these movements do all these? Where is the funding? I found out that a Swiss banker named Francois Genoud has been funding these neo-Nazis for years. This man started and gained popularity after working with the Mufti of Jerusalem. The funds were allegedly from confiscated money taken from Jews and deposited by Nazis. Genoud has also associated himself with the terrorists who killed the athletes at the Munich Olympics in '72.

Another financier of neo-Nazis is Ahmed Huber, formerly known as Albert Huber, who is also Swiss. In 2001, his home was raided when US authorities found out that he was a chief financer of Al Qaida.

Decades after the Holocaust and with many of the survivors dying off, these financiers, neo-Nazis, and Islamofascists have now turned to Holocaust denial; David Duke speaking in Iran as an example. And given the levels of post-9/11 security, international Holocaust denial conferences now have greater importance for planning and coordination among the neo-Nazi/Islamic terrorist networks. Even in the modern times, these two vile movements still keep their bonds with each other.

Other examples of this modern bond can shown with the despicable behavior at the University of Pennsylvania in 2003. The Muslim Student Assocation celebrated it's Islam Awareness Week. This is all fine and good, but they invited William Baker to be their keynote speaker. Baker a racist and once headed the anti-Semitic Populist Party.

I pray that good men will still fight to keep these enemies at bay. This road is stained with the blood of those who have fought against it and kept it from taking over, but I fear that the resolve of those in charge isn't as strong as we need it. We must keep our heads up and keeping battling on. Our fight to keep our values and morals is stronger than their fight to destroy all things good. We will keep our faith while they lust for new gods and mutated versions of what they see as the truth. With this we will win.

Many of my ideas and thoughts were inspired by the documentary Obsession and articles published on the Internet. I, in no way, claim these ideas to be solely my own.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Male Restroom Etiquette

Male Restroom Etiquette

It's a funny video and it's something to start off the weekend.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Gun History

Gun History

Whether you agree or not, it's an interesting lesson in history. Something to think about...

In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control. From 1929 to 1953, about 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

In 1911, Turkey established gun control From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Germany established gun control in 1938 and from 1939 to 1945, a total of 13 million Jews and others who were unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.

China established gun control in 1935. From 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Guatemala established gun control in 1964. From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Uganda established gun control in 1970. From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Cambodia established gun control in 1956. From 1975 to 1977, one million 'educated' people, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Defenseless people rounded up and exterminated in the 20th Century because of gun control: 56 million.

It has now been 12 months since gun owners in Australia were forced by new law to surrender 640,381 personal firearms to be destroyed by their own government, a program costing Australia taxpayers more than $500 million dollars.

The first year results are now in:

Australia-wide, homicides are up 3.2 percent

Australia-wide, assaults are up 8.6 percent

Australia-wide, armed robberies are up 44 percent (yes, 44 percent)! In the state of Victoria alone, homicides with firearms are now up 300 percent. Note that while the law-abiding citizens turned them in, the criminals did not, and criminals still possess their guns!)

While figures over the previous 25 years showed a steady decrease in armed robbery with firearms, this has changed drastically upward in the past 12 months, since criminals now are guaranteed that their prey is unarmed.

There has also been a dramatic increase in break-ins and assaults of the ELDERLY. Australian politicians are at a loss to explain how public safety has decreased, after such monumental effort and expense was expended in successfully ridding Australian society of guns. The Australian experience and the other historical facts above prove it.

You won't see this data on the American evening news or hear our president, governors or other politicians disseminating this information. Guns in the hands of honest citizens save lives and property and, yes, gun-control laws affect only the law-abiding citizens.

Take note my fellow Americans.....before it's too late! The next time someone talks in favor of gun control, please remind them of this history lesson. With guns, we are 'citizens'. Without them, we are 'subjects'.

If you value your freedom, Please spread this anti-gun control message to all of your friends.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Deception 2008: Mitt Romney

Welcome to Deception 2008. This will be a series of articles looking at the Presidential candidates our nation is faced with.

The world sat by and watched as Bill Clinton sat in the White House for 8-years. The elections never stirred the nation's voters into much of a frenzy. Then in the Fall of 2000 the circus that insued and it again sparked the nation's interest in our leadership. With 9/11, the War on Terror, and the 2004 Presidential elections the nation was constantly being tuned into the happenings of our President, with the media's help. Then in the Fall of 2006 the people of the US voted in a liberal-controlled Congress.

With such issues as defeating Islamic Jihad, illegal immigration, and the War on Terror the nation's political stars have, in my opinion, prematurally started their campaigns of vanity and mudslinging. As our candidates start to build up their empire of money to slam each other I thought I'd take a chance and look at the candidates from a Conservative's point of view.

The Republicans I will be seeing if they are true Conservatives or just liberal Republicans, or RINOs. The Dems I will see what they will be standing, or not standing, for. As of right now (this may change), I don't see any strong conservative leader that can stand up and that I'd vote for. The first candidate on my list to see is MITT ROMNEY:

Willard Mitt Romney
Age: 60
Gender: Male
Party: Republican

In the beginning of his campaign he wasn't known in comparison to the other candidates. I dub him the the "The Little Republican that Could". Among the religious right he has the task of proving his faith since he would be the first Mormon president in our history.

At the moment he stands as the #1 Republican when it comes to campaign funding. What I like to point out though is that money doesn't necessarily mean he's getting his name out nor does it mean he's getting a popular view.

I started looking at his and he would seem to be a good candidate, but then you look at his history when he ran as governor and senator for the state of Massachusetts. That state seems to produce more flip-floppers than I have ever seen.

When running as Senator against Kennedy his stance on abortion was pro-choice:

I believe that abortion should be safe and legal this country. I have since the time that my mom took that position when she ran in 1970 as a US Senate candidate. I believe that since Roe v Wade has been the law for 20-years that we should sustain and support it. And I sustain and support that law and the right of a woman to make that choice. And my personal beliefs like the personal beliefs of other people should not be brought into a political campaign.

And again when he was running for governor:

I will preserve and protect a woman’s right to choose and I am devoted and dedicated to honoring my word in that regard. I will not change any provisions of Massachusetts’s pro-choice laws. And with regards to this issue of age of consent, it is currently 18-years-old. If one wants to have an abortion younger than that, one must have the permission of one parent and if a parent doesn’t go along, one can go to a judge or justice to get that permission. And so far in Massachusetts history when a young woman has gone to a judge, not one single time has there been a denial of that permission. And so I am in favor of retaining our current law which is the age of consent remaining at 18.

Sounds pretty liberal to me. But during his time as governor he says his views changed, but most believe (myself among them) that this was to win over the Right; personal gain vs what he thought was right.

Most on the Conservative/Right side are staunch fire-arm supporters and hate liberal gun control laws. Romney again shows his colors when he stated:

Deadly assault weapons have no place in Massachusetts, These guns are not made for recreation or self-defense. They are instruments of destruction with the sole purpose of hunting down and killing people.

Spoken like a true RINO.

He reiterated his support for an assault weapons ban contained in Congress's crime bill, and the Brady law which imposes a five-day waiting period on handgun purchases:

I don't think (the waiting period) will have a massive effect on crime but I think it will have a positive effect, Romney said.

If it won't have an affect on crime why have it? He is starting to sound like Feinstein or Pelosi:

If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them… ‘Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in,’ I would have done it.

If I had my way, sporting guns would be strictly regulated, the rest would be confiscated.

Now in recent years the ACLU has attacked the Boy Scouts of America for their anti-gay stance. During his campaign to become a Senator he stated:

I feel that all people should be allowed to participate in the Boy Scouts regardless of their sexual orientation.

When it comes to marriage he says he won't force his beliefs on the world, that the state should be the ones who decide on this issue, and believes that the Republican party should do more to support the gay community.

Now I'm curious about his loyalties. In 94 when he was running for Senator, Kennedy stated that Romney was trying to bring back Reagan/Bush Sr. conservativism. I'd personally be honored to say I was bringing back Reagan conservatism, but Romney got all defensive and stated:

Look I was an Independent during the time of Reagan/Bush. I’m not trying to return to Reagan/Bush. My positions don’t talk about things that you [Kennedy] suggest they talk about. This isn’t a political issue.

Then a very astute man said the day after:

Romney demonstrated very clearly in the debate last night that he has more in common with liberal Democrats that he does with Conservatives…Conservatives should not let their disgust and anger with Ted Kennedy’s big government liberal record blindly lead them to support Mitt Romney
--Brent Bozell (10/26/94)

This country is a capitalist society. You get what you put into. A survival of the fittest society where the best and brightest succeed and are subsequently burdened with helping out the rest and the less fortunate. Liberals usually try to dampen this with a socialist view and make a status quo to force the government burden themselves with less able employees or those who may not have credentials. Now I'm not saying that minorities or women are less qualified, but affirmative action usually discriminates against the qualified and screws them over so don't take me as a sexist or a racist. Romney on the other hand believes that if you are a woman or a minority that you can't get a job on your own and you need the governments help:

Woman. Woman are concerned about the glass ceiling. Woman that I have seen in organizations have not been able to have the opportunity they deserve to have in getting ahead of organizations. If we are going to compete as a nation we got to draw upon the skills of woman and minorities, and I see organizations from the Federal government to corporations that are not drawing on the skills of woman and minorities.

I believe that public companies and federal agencies should be required to report in their annual 10K the number of minorities and woman by income group within the company. So we can identify where the glass ceiling is and break through it. And I think that the market of America will say 'that company has not promoted woman, has not promoted minorities' and will put pressure on American corporations and agencies to respond.

He basically wants to guilt trip corporations to fill positions with those who MAY not be qualified. So much for equality.

After all this I don't think there is any Conservative bone in this man's body, but he says:

The current system puts up a concrete wall to the best and brightest, yet those without skill or education are able to walk across the border. We must reform the current immigration laws so we can secure our borders...and increase legal immigration into America.

Then in 2004 Romney vetoed a bill
that would have allowed illegal immigrants to obtain in-state tuition rates at state colleges if they graduated from a Massachusetts high school after attending it for at least three years and signed an affidavit affirming that they intended to seek citizenship.

Yet he doesn't seem to quite get it when you see his policy:

3) A temporary worker program that enables willing foreign workers to be matched with participating employers to meet increasing workforce needs;

4) Provisions that will allow undocumented workers to earn legal status so that they can continue to remain in the workforce.

Most politicians don't seem to realize that illegal immigration is a wound in America's side. They just want to put a bandaid on it and call it good, but you can't heal it if you don't stop the bleeding (in and out) you won't fix the problem.

Well, he seems as conservative or right for the job as Hillary does. He seems to be spouting Conservative thought to win us over, but I guarantee will turn over once in office. He doesn't seem to have a solid conservative foundation to sit on. I have some advice for him; to win, change the (R) to a (D) and spout all that crap and you're in.

This ends the first installment of Deception 2008. I will get the rest out when I have the time.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Stupid in America

This is something to see. I was shocked at some of the information presented in this. Seeing this makes me want to homeschool my children or send them to a private school. This is one area where I don't tolerate any extreme Liberal thought at all. Our schools should be a priority to set up our kids to be productive citizens of this country, not targets to indoctrinate.

What's worse is that our government is loosening the requirements for individuals to teach which will only damage our children's education.

Debunking 9/11 vs Loose Change

Here is a video to watch if you believe in the conspiracy or if you ever meet one who does believe in it. Watch as the authors of Debunking 9/11 sit and look respective while the young punks who created Loose Change try to heckle and make themselves look like asses. I had a roommate who believed in this crap and he would try to spew this crap at me so I turned this on. Pissed him off, it was great.

My Political Compass

I went onto and took the test. Here are the results:

Your political compass:
Economic Left/Right: 3.38
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 2.77

Friday, April 27, 2007

A little bit more about me

As I said in the "About Me" I was born and raised in Idaho. I'm currently training as a UAV Operator for the Idaho Army National Guard. I was previously a Intel Analyst for about 4 1/2 years. In my civilian life I am a student at Boise State University, majoring in Political Science with the emphasis on International Relations.

I am the Junior Warden for Oriental Lodge #60 AF&AM in Boise, ID. I became a Master Mason in June of 06 and I am looking forward to the future. I am planning on applying for the Scottish Rite this Fall, which is the centennial.

Being a college student, I am in a frat. I am a part of the Kappa Rho chapter of the Kappa Sigma fraternity

The rest of my life that forms my views you will see as my blog grows

Something Potter this Way Comes

Come this July you will see little wizards and witches running around. Harry Potter mania will hit when the 5th Harry Potter movie, Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix, comes out July 13th and the 7th Harry Potter book, Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows, comes out July 21st.

I find it laughable that many people think this series is evil and the work of the devil. I mean it's about good triumphing over evil. This condemnation of the book just gives me more reason to read it. It's all still publicity.

I'm a huge fan of JK Rowling because she inspired an entire generation of children to read. If you haven't seen it yet, here is the trailer to the movie

Here is the book cover for the 7th book. Harry Potter fans always love to try and guess scenes in the book by what the cover looks like.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

US Policy: Airpot Security

US Policy: Airport Security
by IDARNG Loki

You walk in, you get your ticket, and you head for the security line. It’s there where I hear, and have given, complaints about having to be halted and searched before going onto our flight. In reality you have been watched, since the moment you entered the airport property, by an arsenal of surveillance devices, censors, and security personnel. With the tragic events of September 11th, 2001, the US Congress passed the Aviation and Transportation Security Act, or ATSA, which amends and enhances Section 449 of Title 49 of the US Code.

Now I am all for keeping everyone secure, but I would feel better knowing our security is based off statistics. It’s a known fact that a government basic responsibility is to “provide new Guards for their future security.” What aggravates me is when I see little blue haired ladies and even members of the Armed Forces being searched! What threat do they pose?

Not to be insensitive or “intolerant”, but last time I checked it wasn’t a US Army Guard that rammed a plane into the side of buildings. Soldiers are defenders of this country. They give up so much to keep us safe and yet they are still searched.

It’s not just soldiers I think should be exempt if you will from these security parameters. I also believe certain “sub-cultures” such as the elderly should not have to be searched. I have yet to hear about an arthritic riddled woman take over a plane and hold it hostage.

Now what would I do to fix this little problem. I personally believe that profiling works. Many people call profiling racist because it can targets certain cultures or groups, but it’s based on statistical fact. How can you call something offensive when it’s true? Here in Idaho middle-aged white men are likely to be behind the crimes, in parts of Los Angeles the crime may be perpetrated by young Hispanics, while in the Harlem young Black men commit many crimes, cause a majority of our crimes. It’s all a matter of statistics of the crimes.

Even before 9/11 befell us the Airports kept a passenger manifest; in this only name and address information was kept, but afterwards the ATSA stated that the Under Secretary could include any information he/she deemed necessary. Due to the rising threat of radical Islamic terrorism I believe that ethnicity should be included when registering for your flight. Through my military experiences I know that our government has the specific profile and modus operandi for terrorist cells.

Our government feels the need to give us this false sense of security by meddling in political correctness when it should combat the real threat using statistical analysis and modern technology.

The Illegal Immigration Issue

I wrote this during college and before the injustice done to our border agents.

My thoughts on Illegal Immigration
by IDARNG Loki

This topic is a touchy one with many people, but though our attention is constantly being taken to international affairs such as the Middle East, I believe, we should keep our attention on our own domestic issues.

I should first give my definition when I use the word “illegals”, which I say is any citizen of another country who is residing within the US illegal, not just Hispanics like some have stereotyped the phrase. I am one who is against giving amnesty to illegal immigrants because I am not one to reward those who break the law. Why should any illegal immigrant get amnesty when others have waited to get into this country legally?

We need to amend Section 1 of the 14th Amendment so it rids the part that says anyone born on US is a citizen. This is a key battle in the immigration issue. Someone born in America should only become a citizen if their parents are citizens! Otherwise it allows illegal alien mothers to come over, run to the nearest hospital, and give birth to a new burden of the state.

14th Amendment, Section 1: All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law, which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

We need to send National Guard forces to the border, not just as a support unit, but also as an active unit who can arrest and deport the illegal. Engineer units could build a good border fence and build a trench that would stop illegals from even reaching the fence, plus make tunneling impossible without detection. Use Unmanned Ariel Vehicles (UAVs), sniper teams, radar units, and scouts as surveillance along the border. UAVs would be able to survey the parts of the border that are harder to traverse by foot or vehicle. Sniper teams, as a none combative role, have the ability to track illegals while radar units have the capacity to track even the slightest movements all along the Mexico border. The MPs can become the border patrollers who have training in law enforcement and procedures. Send our Tactical Human Intelligence Teams (THT) assets across the borders to collect intelligence and counter the illegals crossing by using GPS devices. We need to close down the border because you can’t heal a wound unless you stop the bleeding.

To combat the illegals already in the US the best strategy is to give power to the State and Local law enforcement because local authorities have a better understanding of their city and where the illegals are living. The feds should give the state some kind of grant depending on certain factors such as location and perceived number of illegals. The locals can easily round up the illegals since they deal with them every day. The State and Local enforcer’s grant should increase with their successes.

Once apprehended the illegals, whether on the border or in the country, biometrics should be taken. If the illegal has been living in the US and is caught then all of their financial assets should be frozen. The costs to send them back to their country should be taken thence from their accounts, plus any taxes they have not paid should also be paid. Their employers should be fined; the severity of the fine should depend of several factors such as knowledge of employee status and number of illegals working for him.

Medicaid/Medicare, school assistance, and welfare programs should be off-limits to anyone who cannot prove citizenship, to a point. I don’t like the welfare program, but I’d rather help an American than an illegal. Plus you take away the incentives you take away their reason to come across.

As I said earlier, “you can’t heal a wound if you don’t stop the bleeding.” Now I’m all for immigration into this country because my family came across the ocean too and I think that everyone should have a chance to have the freedoms we have here in America. What I am against though is illegal immigrants coming over leeching off the system while not contributing anything.

I am also irritated by the state of our prison systems. Illegals have increased crime, especially in larger metropolises. Now I’m not saying illegals are the only one’s who commit crimes, but if we were to deport them then it would ease up on our prisons. We also know that terrorists have partnered with the gang known as the MS13 to help bring terrorists cross the border.

I hope one day this issue will be fixed, but with partisan politics in play in our Congress I doubt it will happen anytime soon. Remember though immigration is great thing, but it is a double edged sword when we allow the illegals to throw away the law book then try and hide behind it. As I said in the first weeks of class during our political party assignment, “We're not closing the door, just locking the windows."

NOTE: 1 out of 10 of all illegal immigrants that cross the US-Mexican border are not Hispanic

Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West

This is a great documentary, yes even better than Al Gore's "award" winning 'An Inconvenient Truth'

Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
-- Edmund Burke

Almost 70 years ago, Europe found itself at war with one of the most sinister figures in modern history: Adolf Hitler. When the last bullet of World War II was fired, over 50 million people were dead, and countless countries were both physically and economically devastated. Hitler’s bloody struggle sought to forge the world anew, in the crucible of Nazi values. How could such a disaster occur? How could the West have overlooked the evil staring it in the face, for so long, before standing forcefully against it?

Today, we find ourselves confronted by a new enemy, also engaged in a violent struggle to transform our world. As we sleep in the comfort of our homes, a new evil rises against us. A new menace is threatening, with all the means at its disposal, to bow Western Civilization under the yoke of its values. That enemy is Radical Islam.

Using images from Arab TV, rarely seen in the West, Obsession reveals an ‘insider's view' of the hatred the Radicals are teaching, their incitement of global jihad, and their goal of world domination. With the help of experts, including first-hand accounts from a former PLO terrorist, a Nazi youth commander, and the daughter of a martyred guerilla leader, the film shows, clearly, that the threat is real.

A peaceful religion is being hijacked by a dangerous foe, who seeks to destroy the shared values we stand for. The world should be very concerned.


My Daily Sites

Here are some sites I go to on a daily basis. If you have any good sites, please post.

Conservative Life

The Dirty Dozens Bunker


Politically Uncensored

Cox & Forkum

World Net Daily

News Max

Little Green Footballs

Jihad Watch

Infanticide in China

Here is another article that I wrote at Conservative Life.

Infanticide in China
by IDARNG Loki

Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines Infanticide as (a) the killing of an infant

Due to China's excessive population the government has inacted a one-child policy. In this culture a boy is viewed as a worker, or soldier, while a girl is seen as "damaged goods" so if the parents have to pick they will kill the girl. When the Communists took over in the mid-1900s they abolished the practice, but in the 1980s census started showing an upward trend of "missing" female children. This practice has killed off millions of girls. This horrible autrocity is occurs on a daily basis since the government does nothing to stop it and in rural areas girls are abandoned if the parents so desire. How is this going to affect China and it's population?

For one it will evetually cause a severa implosion in their population. The sex ratio is so low that several million men will not have a wife. These men will grow old and probably die around the same time which will cause a shift in the age groups. It will also kill off several ancient families which is very ironic because the boy is spared since he will carry the family name and honor, but then is hindered because he can't find a mate.

This will also affect their military because if they have a population drop and they are low on women then where will they get their next warriors? The rest of the world also helps provide the Chinese with food because they can only harvest food on 10% of the land, the rest you are unable to grow anything on. In the future this mega-drop in the population will affect many economies since you see "Made in China" on most goods nowadays.

With such a low sex ratio and the country in turmoil, how will the Chinese get women to repopulate? They can't abolish it anymore than they did 50-years ago becaus the people won't obey. Will they invade a country? Doubtful. The most likely will be kidnapping and human smuggling. Human smuggling will help them, but cause stress and tension in other regions. Not to mention that many of those being smuggled will perish on their way to China.

Another twist that just hit me is that what about homosexuality? Their is such a low sex ratio and the people (mainly men) live close together I wouldn't be surprised that these people may move to homosexuality. If this were to come to pass diseases such as AIDs would run rampant through the country. This epidemic would definately control their population, but also threaten other countries who associate with them. China has their double-edged sword right to their heads and they have some serious decisions to make. For one, they are trying to build their military while their population is teetering on the verge of destruction. Could China, and not the US, be the next Roman Empire and be the ones who fall on their faces?

If they fall what will happen to the world? This economic power falling would be like dropping a pebble into a pond. Everyone will feel the ripple, but for good or bad. Who knows? To me China looks like a balloon; looks real big and bad, but all it takes is a little prick and it will blow up and be done.

Hope you enjoyed the article.

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- Infanticide in China

Conservative Life: Infanticide in China